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Acronym: EDIT
Project Number: 801126
Starting Date: October 2018
Project Duration: 48 Months
Budget: € 4,317,160
Dr. Massimo Alfano
Ospedale San Raffaele
Dr. Pnina Dan

Novel precision technological platforms to promote non-invasive early diagnosis, eradication and prevention of cancer relapse: proof of concept in the bladder carcinoma
Despite years of awareness, as of today, there is no screening program for the early detection of bladder cancer (BCa). The unmet clinical needs in the management of BCa are the prevention of tumor onset, relapse and progression, and therapy of the aggressive bladder carcinoma in situ (Cis), requiring frequent and endless follow-up and weekly treatments, with a consequent poor quality of life and the highest cost per patient among all cancers. Therefore public health programs crave for early BCa detection protocols, to improve performance in the management of this devastating disease.

EDIT will develop advanced transformative technology combining newly developed targeted imaging technologies (high-resolution ultrasound elastography and photoacoustic imaging) on the bladder using plasmonic gold sensors for enhanced resolution.
Structural and mechanical modification of the collagen rich extracellular matrix is a common denominator for invasive breast, colorectal, prostate and bladder cancers.
The EDIT platforms will also pave the ways for the earlier management of other bladder-related pathologies and solid tumors, with a profound impact on the quality of life and well-being of millions

The EDIT approach exploits the structural and mechanical properties of the bladder extracellular matrix (ECM) as a unique biomarker of the early onset/progression/relapse of carcinoma, through engineered novel gold nanorods (GNRs) used as intravesical photoacoustic antennas targeted at the ECM within the cellular microenvironments and consequently generating an ad hoc visualization platform. GNRs will be further utilized as heat-releasing effectors at nanoscale for targeted cancer photo-thermal therapy.
EDIT is designed to detect pre-neoplastic area and eradication of local areas at few cells resolution with high sensitivity and specificity.
EDIT Outcomes will revolutionize the management of BCa with the introduction of sensing and effector nanotechnologies combined with non-invasive organ imaging with high resolution/definition 3D ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging.

1. Early prognosis: The leading hypothesis that pre-conditioning of the extra cellular matrix (ECM) in the form of fibrillary collagen-rich matrix predisposes a soil needed for the onset/progression/relapse of bladder cancer.
Increased stiffness of ECM associates with progression of breast cancer and correlates with poor survival. EDIT will pursue an innovative application of specific effectors, provided by novel functionalized nanoparticles developed within the project, to be employed as intravesical source of ultrasound through photoacoustic effect.
2. Early eradication is envisaged by exploitation of the superior targeting properties of locally delivered nanoparticles able to thermal ablating Cis cells upon near-infrared laser irradiation, allowing to recognize and eradicate cluster of few neoplastic cells <1 mm.
3. Novel biomarkers will assess sub-aims, implementing i) characterization of markers that identify pre-conditioning of the ECM allowing the seed of cancer cells (onset, relapse and tumor progression), ii) novel targets for the identification of Cis cells (specific integrins and cellular markers), and iii) new ligands for expanding the armamentarium for targeted delivery of gold nanorods, increasing the opportunities for the “bench to bedside” translational approach of EDIT.
The concept of EDIT


Rome, Italy
Milan, Italy
Bologna, Italy
Rehovot, Israel
Milan, Italy
Rehovot, Israel
The University of Milan
The Weizmann Institute
of science
Ascend Technologies Ltd
FUJIFILM Sonosite BV (VisualSonics)
LIME Technology P.C.
Southampton, United Kingdom
Amsterdam, Netherland
Ioannina, Greece
The University of Bologna
Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Ospedale San Raffaele

On the 25th-26th of October , 2019 the Kick of meeting of EDIT, took place at OSR, Milan. It was hosted by OSR. 44 persons from the 9 partners of the consortium participated at this meeting. All meeting goals were realized.

Click here for download

EDIT at the 6 Months meeting
6-7 March 2019, Amsterdam Hosted by FUJIFILM Sonosite BV
Excellent experience of high science, networking and collaboration

Our partners at IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele are working with the Vevo LAZR-X (VisualSonics), exploring all the great advantages of this multimodal high frequency ultrasound and photoacoustics platform!

Click here for download

Summer school - EDIT partners OSR and IFC-CNR participated to the “Photoacoustic summer school”, September 10-12, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands, organized by partner FFSS for European scientists.
On the 21st of November the EDIT P1 Review Meeting took place in Brussels at the EU premises Four reviewers reviewed the project results and the achievements of the project were appreciated by the reviewers. Their comments were addressed in the amendment of P1 technical report

2 Innovations
2 Innovations related to EDIT project have been selected by The European Commission's Innovation Radar team
-Targeted gold nanorods
-3D Reconstruction and visualization of the bladder and the bladder tumour combining US and PA images
EDIT in a nutshell
24M Meeting – online
The 24M meeting was online on the 31 on September 2020.
Although online the agenda was fulfilled, and constructive discussions were accomplished.
The advisors, Dr Vito Lorusso and Dr. Richard Bryan participated at this meeting.
Dr Lorusso delivered a workshop named Molecular Imaging: Applications in Oncology with focus on Bladder Cancer

The very succesful and highly appreciated by the reviewers Review meeting of Periond 2 of EDIT took place online, on the May 18th, 2021,
The sicentific work was mentioed being very advanced and with promissing resutls

36M meeting
The meeting took place on the 27th of May 2022, online. All partners attended and presented their results. Fruitful discussions led to decisions for the work during the next six months

42M Meeting
The meting took place on the 25th of May 2022.
Summaries were concluded towards the end pf the project


Dr. Massimo Alfano,
Group leader of the Extracellular Microenvironment Unit at IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele. Master’s degree of Science and PhD degree at the University of Milan.
The focus of his research is to apply knowledge from basic science to techniques and tools that may really address clinical unmet needs. From a prospective standpoint, the identification of changes occurring in the extracellular matrix and in the tissue-associated microbiome will ideally support the identification of new extracellular targets for the delivery of more targeted interventions. He is deeply involved in the Horizon 2020 programme, acting as Coordinator of the EDIT study and Principal Investigator for Ospedale San Raffaele in the Phys2Biomed and AIRD3D projects, both dedicated to bladder cancer.
Dr. Irene Locatelli,
Locatelli is a research technician at Urological Research Institute (URI), Ospedale San Raffaele. She accomplished both the Master Degree in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and the PhD in Molecular Medicine at the University of Eastern Piedmont. In 2014 she joined Dr. Massimo Alfano's group to dedicate her efforts in the field of translational medicine, in particular in the exploiting the role of extracellular matrix and tissue microbiome in the development of bladder tumor.
Her role in EDIT project concerns the set-up of preclinical model of bladder tumor and the PAUS images analysis.

Elisa Alchera,
Research technician at San Raffaele Hospital, Urological Research Institute) MS degree in Biology (2000) and Specialization in General Pathology (2007) at the University of Eastern Piedmont. Biologist with experience on molecular and cellular biology and on animal manipulation and surgery.
Currently research interests include Photoacustic and Ultrasound technology. Her role on the Project concerns the development of preclinical bladder cancer models and PAUS acquisition and analysis in in vitro and in vivo models of bladder cancer.

Dr. Curnis,
Received his doctorate in Biological Sciences in 1996 (University of Milan, Italy). He is: i) the inventor of 8 international patent applications in the therapeutic field for cancer treatment based on vascular and tumor targeting approaches using NGR, isoDGR and RGD motives; ii) author of 67 publications in peer-reviewed international scientific journals (total impact factor: >510; impact factor average: 7.8; H-index: 35; total citations: >4850, (google scholar)); adjunct professor (since 2003) at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan. Dr. Curnis is responsible for the biochemical and biological characterization of gold nanorods functionalized with isoDGR and RGD peptides.

Dr. Diana Trojaniello,
BEng degree (2009) and Msc (2011) cum laude in Biomedical Engineering from the University Federico II of Naples, in Italy. In 2015, she received the Ph.D. in Bioengineering from Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. After the PhD she worked as Post-Doc research fellow, visiting researcher at Oregon Health and Science University, Portland. She practiced as Adjunct Professor at University of Verona and University of Sassari in Biomedical image processing, MRI and CT techniques. In 2015, she joined the San Raffaele Research Hospital as Senior Researcher at the Center for advanced technology in health and wellbeing, where she holds the role of Head of Bioengineering Research Program and Deputy Director of the research center managing activities in the area of scientific project management, devising research proposals (mainly H2020) and programs, multidisciplinary and multi-center teams coordination, junior researcher supervision and mentoring, personnel and budget management. Since 2018, Dr. Trojaniello is also Adjunct Professor at University Vita-Salute San Raffaele and, since 2020, member of the San Raffaele Hospital HTA commission.

Prof. Mauro Comes Franchini,
Professor of Material Organic Chemistry at the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari. Long standing expertise and research interests in the field of functional metallic nanostructures for Theranostic application and in the synthetic modification and use of biomaterials derived from natural resources. Other interests are: medicinal synthetic organic chemistry and 3D-printing. Leader of the Unibo group and Coordinator of the WP2 entitled “Exploitation of PAUS features of urine-stable GNRs@Chit-Dec and GNRs@Chit-Lig”.

Dr. Mirko Maturi,
Received his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Industrial Chemistry in 2015 and 2017, respectively. He pursued his PhD studies in Chemistry, with a thesis titled “Advanced Functional Organic-Inorganic Hybrid (Nanomaterials): from Theranostics to Organic Electronics and Additive Manufacturing”. Currently, he is a Post-Doc fellow working in the frame of the EDIT project. His research interests and skills include the synthesis and surface modification of nanomaterials, bioimaging and data analysis, biopolymers and 3D printing. Role in the EDIT project: Synthesis and chemical characterization of gold nanosystems.

Dr. Silvia Tortorella,
Obtained her Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Medical Biotechnology from the University of Bologna in 2009. After 2 years of specialization in Forensic Science, in 2011 she joined the National Council of Research in Bologna. She achieved her PhD in Chemistry in 2015, with a thesis titled “Patterning soft matter for cell culturing”. Since 2018, she is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Industrial Chemistry: her investigation is focused on nanomedicine and nanomaterials, targeted drug delivery systems, biopolymers and 3D printing. Role in the EDIT project – Synthesis and chemical characterization of gold nanosystems.

Dr. Erica Locatelli,
Obtained his Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Bologna in 2010. She obtained her PhD in Chemistry in 2014, with a thesis titled “Synthesis and surface modification of silver and gold nanoparticles. Nanomedicine application against Glioblastoma Multiforme ”. Since 2014, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Industrial Chemistry in Bologna, where she focused on nanoparticles surface chemistry for drug delivery and nanomedicine application as well as chemical modification of biopolymers for smart materials. She is now Lab-technician at the Department of Industrial Chemistry. Role in the EDIT project –Synthesis and chemical characterization of gold nanosystems.

Dr. Jithin Jose,
Obtained his Master of Science degree in Photonics from Cochin University of Science and Technology. During his research towards his PhD thesis at the University of Twente, he developed a Computed tomography photoacoustic imager to enable molecular imaging of tumors in small animals. He has been working at FUJIFILM VisualSonics since 2012 and as a Research and Market development Manager he is responsible for different photoacoustic projects with European research groups.
Dr. Jithin Jose guides the project partners on photoacoustic imaging especially on the pre-clinical and translational aspect of the technology.

Dr. Dieter Fuchs,
PhD is responsible for strategic planning and novel preclinical imaging applications for Fujifilm VisualSonics. Before joining Fujifilm VisualSonics in 2009, his PhD studies at Uppsala University, Sweden and subsequent post doc work at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm both focused on developing novel treatment regimens against solid tumors.
Dieter Fuchs, PhD supports Dr. Jithin Jose on planning and execution of project tasks and provides scientific expertise

Christos Bellos,
MSc, is a biomedical engineer and the co-owner and Business Management Director of Lime Technology. He has participated for more than ten years in several European and National R&D projects in the field of healthcare, as project and technical manager. His main research interests include 3D reconstruction, image processing, visualization and deep learning.
Role in project: He is the project manager of Lime Technology and participates in the implementation of the 3D visualization software.

Konstantinos A. Stefanou, MSc,
Received his Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering and his M.Sc. in Information Systems. Since then, he has participated in several National and European projects as a researcher and a software engineer. Since 2013 he is co-founder of LIME Technology and the Innovation Development Director. His interests are desktop, web and mobile application development, database design, image processing, three-dimensional graphics rendering. Role in project: Konstantinos is the lead software engineer regarding the image processing and the 3D visualization platform in WP3.

Giorgos Stergios, MSc,
Is the co-owner and the Services Management Director of Lime Technology. He has participated in several European and national projects since 2010 and has gained experience in software development, web applications and EEG systems in education. His research interests include event related potentials for educational purposes, speech analysis software and artificial intelligence systems in credit risk management. Role in project: He is the quality manager of LIME in the project and leads the evaluation and quality assurance activities of the software.

Ioannis Andrikos, MSc,
Is a senior developer in Lime-Technology. Ioannis received his diploma degree in the department of Computer Engineering & informatics and his MSc in Biomaterials & Biomedical Technology, while he has worked more than four years as a research associate and software engineer in FORTH IMBB in various European HORIZON 2020 biomedical projects.
Role in project: He is a researcher and senior developer, undertaking the image processing and 3d reconstruction part.

Dr. Luca Menichetti,
Starting from a background in transition metal radiochemistry at the JRC-Institute for Transuranium Elements (Karlsruhe, Germany), he has shifted his interests to the field of tracer chemistry for medical applications for the development of radiopharmaceuticals at the National Research Council (Institute of Clinical Physiology, CNR IFC) in Pisa. In 2006 LM obtained the Research Doctorate in “Design, Development, and Biosperimentation of drugs, at the University of Pisa, while in 2014 LM obtained the Specialization in Clinical Biochemistry at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Pisa. LM began his career as an independent researcher at the National Research Council at the Institute of Clinical Physiology (Pisa) in 2004. At the CNR-IFC, he started a research program on innovative molecular imaging approaches and created a network that connects the CNR in collaboration with the research hospital G.Monasterio Foundation di Pisa to allow translation into preclinical / translation studies. Over the past eight years, the know-how in tracer chemistry has been extended to other imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance spectroscopy exploiting the hyperpolarization of 13C molecules and the development of novel multimodalities based on multifunctional nanostructured materials for theragnostic applications. . Since 2013 LM is contract Professor at the University of Pisa (MATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOG) and since 2015 he is contract Professor at the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Siena: LM is the scientific coordinator of national and international projects in the field of Theranostics and molecular imaging, and works in the field of national and international projects and is the author of over 90 ISI publications.

Paolo Armanetti,
Is an applied physicist who graduated from the " Enrico Fermi" Department of Physics in Pisa. His research takes place in the field of bio-imaging at the Institute of Clinical Physiology of the National Research Council, with a particular focus on photoacoustic imaging and high field high-frequency ultrasound. A recent interest is given to the development of hyperthermic treatment and nanomaterial characterization for targeted therapies.
His role in H2020-FET OPEN- Edit focused on PA imaging and hyperthermic measurements. He developed the first kind of optical absorbers for doing PA imaging of GNRs inside the bladder preventing reshaping phenomena and the development of the hyperthermic set-up and laser catheterization.

Dr. Chiara Cavallini,
Is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Molecular Imaging at the Institute of Clinical Physiology, Italian National Research Council (IFC-CNR), Pisa, Italy. At IFC-CNR her research activity is currently focused on theranostic applications of nanostructured materials in particular in cancer and regenerative medicine. She obtained a PhD in Science of Drug and Bioactive Substances and a Master Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy. Her research skills are in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology and cover cellular and small animal models. Until 2021, Dr. Cavallini co-authored 14 peer-reviewed articles in high impact journals.
Partners of EDIT project, OSR (the coordinator) and LIME participated at The 19th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, 5-8 July 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece
OSR presented a talk on “Early diagnosis of bladder cancer by tumor targeted gold nanorods"
LIME presented a talk titled “A software for the automated reconstruction of the urinary bladder of animal models".

Dr. Pnina Dan,
Holds a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the Weizmann Institute of Science. She is the founder and the CEO of OSM DAN LTD. During the last 15 years she is a consultant, specializing in managing EU R&D funded projects, mainly accessing those by companies and universities. Experience in the EU RTD programmes from 1996, as a Researcher, Evaluator, Coordinator and project Manager. She has large experience as manager of RTD projects, business development manager, and marketing manager. Her knowledge of both industrial and research institutes are a great asset for R&D projects industrially oriented.

Dr Viktor Popov,
has a PhD in Computational Physics. His research interests revolve around Computational Physics, Acoustics, Nanotechnology, CFD, Heat Transfer, Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning. He has worked at the Imperial College, Mechanical Engineering Department, on development of computational mechanics models, at the Wessex Institute of Technology with the research focused mainly on the development of computational physics models and at the Nhance Technologies Ltd as the head of R & D. He is the founder of the Ascend Technologies Ltd. Dr Popov has lead research teams working on a number of EU funded projects (FP5 – Horizon 2020). He has authored over hundred and fifty technical papers.
Viktor leads the Work Package 3: Imaging platforms by mathematical models, and in particular the work on the Identification of early tissue modification by Machine Learning Algorithms and the Model of heat transfer in the bladder wall.

Dr Dragana Nikolic,
Is a skilled research scientist with broad experience in design, development and implementation of advanced signal processing and machine learning algorithms and providing innovative solutions to specific real‐life engineering and health care problems. She obtained her PhD from University of Portsmouth in Active Acoustic Cancellation and Adaptive Filtering. She worked at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, as a Research Fellow within the Signal Processing and Control Group, on a number of various projects in the area of biomedicine and acoustics developing algorithms and employing advanced data analytics methods to resolve different challenging tasks. During her PhD studies she became part of a team holding two patent applications related to improvements in active noise control. Most recently, she worked on designing an AI-driven monitoring and diagnostic tool in industrial applications. She was also granted funding by Innovate UK for her research proposal utilising machine learning approach. She has authored over eighty technical papers. Role in project - Dragana is working on the Identification of early tissue modification by Machine Learning Algorithms.

Dr Ean Hin Ooi,
Is a technical consultant with Ascend Technologies Ltd and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia. He obtained his PhD from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and has published over 70 papers in international journals and conferences. His primary research interest is to use mathematical and computational modelling to understand different biophysical and physiological phenomena related to thermal ablation therapy and tissue biomechanics. Ean Hin is responsible for the development of mathematical and computational models to predict the rise in temperature in the bladder during gold nanorods-assisted photothermal therapy.
EDIT project presentation

Jason Cheong,
Is a graduate student from the School of Engineering at Monash University, Malaysia, under the supervision of Dr Viktor Popov and Dr Ean Hin Ooi. He has published 4 papers and is interested in understanding the fundamentals of different types of cancer ablation techniques. His prior work focused on the modification of radiofrequency ablation electrodes for liver cancer.
Role in the EDIT project:
Jason is working together with Dr Viktor Popov and Dr Ean Hin Ooi on development of heat transfer models of the bladder to simulate the tissue thermal response during gold nanorods-assisted photothermal therapy.

Book: COLLAGEN Methods and protocols, ISBN 1493990942, 9781493990948, Springer New York, 2019, USA editors Sagi I (The WEIZMANN INTITUTE), Afratis, Nikolaos A.
Two papers in the above book
V.R. Krishnaswamy “Multi-well Fibrillation Assay as a Tool for Analyzing Crosslinking and Stabilization of Collagen”
E. Shimshoni, I Sagi “Sample Preparation of Extracellular Matrix of Murine”.
Current concepts in nanostructured contrast media development for in vivo photoacoustic imaging, Mirko Maturi, Erica Locatelli, Ilaria Monaco, Mauro Comes Franchini, Review Article, Biomaterial Science, Issue 5, 2019,
A Stapled Chromogranin A-derived Peptide is a Potent Dual Ligand for Integrins αvβ6 and αvβ8, Chemical Communications, Francesca Nardelli, Michela Ghitti, Giacomo Quilici, Alessandro Gori, Qingqiong Luo, Andrea Berardi, Angelina Sacchi, Matteo Monieri, Greta Bergamaschi, Wolfgang Bermel, Fuxiang Chen, Angelo Corti, Flavio Curnis and Giovanna Musco, Issue 98, 2019, 10.1039/c9cc08518a.
Mechanotransduction in Neuronal Cell Development and Functioning, Biophysical Reviews, in press Matteo Chighizola, Tania Dini, Cristina Lenardi, Paolo Milani, Alessandro Podestà, Carsten Schulte, 10.1007/s12551-019-00587-2.
Patent - Chromogranin A-derived peptides and uses thereof (EP 19209484.5)
Application filed by: Ospedale San Raffaele (OSR), November 14th, 2019 Inventors: Curnis F, Nardelli F, Ghitti M, Gori A, Corti A, Musco G; Affiliation of the inventors: Ospedale San Raffaele (OSR, Milan, Italy) and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR, Milan, Italy); Name of the inventors of the OSR team present in EDIT: Curnis F.
Influence of natural convection on gold nanorodsassisted photothermal treatment of bladder cancer in mice, Ean H. Ooi, Viktor Popov, Massimo Alfano & Jason K. K. Cheong, International Journal of Hyperthermia 37, 2020.
Adhesion force spectroscopy with nanostructured colloidal probes reveals nanotopography-dependent early mechanotransductive interactions at the cell membrane level, M. Chighizola, A. Previdi, T. Dini, C. Piazzoni, C. Lenardi, P. Milani, C. Schulte, A. Podestà, Nanoscaale, 2020,12, 14708-14723
Exosomes as a storehouse of tissue remodeling proteases and mediators of cancer progression, Alakesh Das, Vishnu Mohan, Venkat Raghavan Krishnaswamy, Inna Solomonov, Irit Sagi, Cancer and Metastasis Reviews volume 38, pages455–468(2019)
LOXL2 Inhibition Paves the Way for Macrophage-Mediated Collagen Degradation in Liver Fibrosis, Mordehay Klepfish, Tamar Gross, Milena Vugman, Nikolaos A. Afratis, Sapir Havusha-Laufer, Eli Brazowski, Inna Solomonov, Chen Varol, Irit Sagi, Immunol., 2020
MMP9 modulates the metastatic cascade and immune landscape for breast cancer anti-metastatic therapy, Mark Owyong, Jonathan Chou, Renske JE van den Bijgaart, Niwen Kong, Gizem Efe, Carrie Maynard, Dalit Talmi-Frank, Inna Solomonov, Charlotte Koopman, Elin Hadler-Olsen, Mark Headley, Charlene Lin, Chih-Yang Wang, Irit Sagi, Zena Werb, Vicki Plaks, 2(6), 2019
Cardiac remodeling secondary to chronic volume overload is attenuated by a novel MMP9/2 blocking antibody, -L. Cohen, I. Sagi,E. Bigelman, I. Solomonov, A. Aloshin, J.- B. Shoshan, Z. Rozenbaum, G. Keren, M. Entin-Meer, Plos One,2020
Modeling biological and genetic diversity in upper tract urothelial carcinoma with patient derived xenografts, K. Kim, W. Hu, F. Audenet, N. Almassi, A. J. Hanrahan, K. Murray, A. Bagrodia, N. Wong, T. N. Clinton, S. Dason, V. Mohan, S. Jebiwott, K. Nagar, Gordon, Z. Chen, Y. Dong, P. A. Watson, R. Alvim, A Elzein, S. P. Gao, E. Cocco, A. D. Santin, I. Ostrovnaya, J. J. Hsieh, I. Sagi, E. J. Pietzak, A. A. Hakimi, J. E. Rosenberg, G. Iyer, H. A. Vargas, M. Scaltriti, H. Al-Ahmadie, D. B. Solit, J. A. ColemanJ. Gao, A. Penson, C. Hughes, B, Nature communictions, 2020
Influence of natural convection on gold nanorodsassisted photothermal treatment of bladder cancer in mice, Ean H. Ooi , Viktor Popov , Massimo Alfano & Jason K. K. Cheong, nternational Journal of Hyperthermia, 37:1, 634-650,
Large colloidal probes for atomic force microscopy: Fabrication and calibration issues, Matteo Chighizola Luca Puricelli Ludovic Bellon Alessandro Podestà, J. Molecular recognision, 2020
Conformation-Specific Inhibitory Anti-MMP-7 Monoclonal Antibody Sensitizes Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cells to Chemotherapeutic Cell Kill, Mohan,V., Gaffney,J.P, Solomonov,I., Levin,M., Klepfish,M., Akbareian,S., Grünwald,B., Dym,O., Eisenstein,M., Yu,K.H., Kelsen,D.P., Krüger,A., Edwards,D.R, Sagi,I. Cancers 2021, 13(7), 1679

D6.2 - First plan for dissemination and exploitation (using and disseminating the foreground
The aim of this deliverable is to present the mid version of the dissemination and exploitation plan of the EDIT project. It presents the actions that will be taken to disseminate the EDIT project highlights. Different dissemination avenues are described in relation to the stakeholders to be reached out. Dissemination methods range from the Internet website and social media to journals and conferences. The project website is recognised as a key dissemination medium which brings together all other types of dissemination. Exploitation plan starts with brief explanation of legal boundaries. We propose a set of exploitation tools and identify potential customers of EDIT solutions.
D7.2 - Data Management plan
The Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document outlining how research data will be handled during the research project and after it is completed.
It should always include clear descriptions and rationale for the access regimes that are foreseen for collected data sets.
A DMP describes the data management life cycle for all data sets that will be collected, processed or generated by the research project. It is a document outlining how research data will be handled during a research project, and even after the project is completed, describing what data will be collected, processed or generated and following what methodology and standards, whether and how this data will be shared and/or made open, and how it will be curated and preserved.
The DMP is not a fixed document; it evolves and gains more precision and substance during the lifespan of the project.
More elaborated versions of the DMP can be delivered at later stages of the project. The DMP will be updated at least by the mid-term and final review to fine-tune it to the data generated and the uses identified by the consortium since not all data or potential uses are clear from the start.
D6.2 - First plan for dissemination and exploitation (using and disseminating the foreground
The aim of this deliverable is to present the mid version of the dissemination and exploitation plan of the EDIT project. It presents the actions that will be taken to disseminate the EDIT project highlights. Different dissemination avenues are described in relation to the stakeholders to be reached out. Dissemination methods range from the Internet website and social media to journals and conferences. The project website is recognised as a key dissemination medium which brings together all other types of dissemination. Exploitation plan starts with brief explanation of legal boundaries. We propose a set of exploitation tools and identify potential customers of EDIT solutions.
D7.2 - Data Management plan
The Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document outlining how research data will be handled during the research project and after it is completed.
It should always include clear descriptions and rationale for the access regimes that are foreseen for collected data sets.
A DMP describes the data management life cycle for all data sets that will be collected, processed or generated by the research project. It is a document outlining how research data will be handled during a research project, and even after the project is completed, describing what data will be collected, processed or generated and following what methodology and standards, whether and how this data will be shared and/or made open, and how it will be curated and preserved.
The DMP is not a fixed document; it evolves and gains more precision and substance during the lifespan of the project.
More elaborated versions of the DMP can be delivered at later stages of the project. The DMP will be updated at least by the mid-term and final review to fine-tune it to the data generated and the uses identified by the consortium since not all data or potential uses are clear from the start.
D2.2 - Report on GNRs with different PAUS features, GNRs@Chit-Dec and GNRs@Chit-Lig for prognosis and multi-target theranostics nanomedicine
The use of nano-architectures takes an important role in the development of effective strategies in cancer therapy, giving the opportunity to use them as smart detectors, in terms of contrast agents for diagnostics, but also as efficient therapeutic agents. This duality brings toward theranostic approaches. This Deliverable reports the characterization on the developed gold nanorods bio-conjugated with different ligands (Dec and Lig systems), tested by photoacoustic techniques for the diagnostics, and laser beams for the therapeutic exploitation. Briefly, chemical conjugation with the ligands, the characterization of the system by cell-adhesion assays have been performed for the two key systems GNRs@Chit-Dec and GNRs@Chit-Lig systems. They have been validated in terms of photoacoustic performances and contrast features for detection and recognition. Finally, the hyperthermic effect of the new nanosystems have been also assessed and a comprehensive description of the experimental set up is herein provided.
D3.2 v1_Software Prototype on 3D Visualization platform
The aim of this deliverable is to present the first version of the Software Prototype on 3D Visualization platform of the EDIT project. The first Chapter presents the objectives of the deliverable, while Chapter 2 presents an overview of the input and output data and formats defined in the platform as well as image acquisition procedures utilized. In Chapter 3, the software architecture is being presented in detail and its components are analysed in depth along with their interconnections. A software walkthrough is outlined in Chapter 4 via the use of 4 use cases so that every aspect of the platform is demonstrated. Finally, Chapter 5 contains the references used within this deliverable.
D4.3 Report on the prognostic power of detecting pre-neoplastic area obtained by instillation of GNRs@Chit-Dec and PAUS approach
The preclinical experiments of spontaneous bladder cancer (administration of the carcinogen BBN (
the carcinogen nitrosamine) in the drinking water for 6-8 months) were concluded.
Advances in ultrasound and photoacoustic analysis of BBN model, and stiffness analysis by atomic force microscopy of the bladder from the preclinical models are here reported.

Dr. Massimo Alfano